
Risk of rain characters
Risk of rain characters

risk of rain characters

He can also lay out Pressure Mines, which can assist in giving him and his co-op buddies some breathing room. He comes with Bouncing Grenades that can deal a decent amount of damage as his primary skill. The Engineer is a treasure trove of skills for strategic players to fiddle around with. Once you have, the volatile Engineer will be yours. All you need to do is clear 30 areas over the course of your time with the game. However, it is not necessary that you clear these areas in a single game. The task necessary to unlock the Engineer only sounds daunting. The Crowbar is the perfect item to pair with MUL-T's Rebar Puncher, especially if you want to deal a ton of damage to a large enemy in the beginning moments of the fight. If you want to make your MUL-T a force to be reckoned with, pair him up with items that increase his damage.

risk of rain characters

He also comes with Blast Canisters, which can stun groups of enemies for a short time. The Auto-Nailgun is a rapid-fire weapon, whereas the Rebar Puncher is a single, high-damage hit. He also possesses an Auto-Nailgun and Rebar Puncher, which makes MUL-T a character with two Primary Skills. He has a Transport skill that allows him to zoom forward in a burst of speed with increased armor and the ability to damage enemies along the way. RELATED: Super Meat Boy: 10 Of The Best Unlockable Characters (And Tips To Do So) MUL-T is a squat little tank that pairs a large pool of hit points with maneuverability.

risk of rain characters

Once MUL-T is in your hands, you won't regret having gone through the motions so often. That means a player must start the game and go through the first teleporter five separate times. MUL-T is fairly easy to unlock, requiring players to go through the first teleporter event five times. Also be sure to pick up items that will increase the damage she deals, such as the Soldier's Syringe. While playing as the Huntress, pick up items that give her more health and therefore increase her chances of survival. Related: A Complete Guide To Anthem's Javelins: Classes, Abilities, Upgrades Her more powerful abilities include the Laser Glaive, which sends out a seeking glaive that can bounce between different enemies for a time, and Arrow Rain, which sends a hail of arrows down on a specific area. She has a Strafe skill which allows her to fire a seeking arrow while sprinting, and a Blink skill which allows her to teleport forward and disappear momentarily. But she makes up for being a glass cannon with her high mobility. She begins the game very delicate, with only 90 hit points at the start. Where the Commando is well-rounded, the Huntress is a more nuanced character. Once you have the Huntress unlocked, you will find that her abilities are vastly different from the Commando's. It sounds straightforward enough, but it's easier in theory than it is in practice. In order to acquire the Huntress, all a player has to do is survive three teleporter events without getting downed. Her strong suits are dodging enemy attacks and firing from afar, which makes her a welcome addition toward the later stages of the game.

Risk of rain characters