His earliest memory of academic life is of hiding behind the classroom stove lest he be called upon to wash the lunch dishes. Benjamin maintains relationships with many people - family, friends, associates, & neighbors - including. Tuscaloosa, AL, is where Benjamin Kuhlman lives today. Now, or as close to now as Monday afternoon, Mr. Anemona Kuhlman - Delora Kuhlman Benjamin Kuhlman AL Tuscaloosa Profile Not the right Benjamin Kuhlman Refine Search. Kuhlman is the teacher, sovereign of a single room in the inconspicuous brick headquarters of an adult English-literacy program here. Kuhlman, Raul Funes, had come after working an overnight shift doing maintenance at an inn and then attending a morning class at a local technical college. He had been awake for nearly 20 straight hours. No pedagogical technique explains why Mr. Funes, or why he peered so insistently into his student’s face. Forty years ago, while he was a charismatic professor of economics at the University of Missouri, Mr. Kuhlman had begun inexplicably to lose his hearing.

With a cochlear implant to capture sound and a practiced skill at reading lips, translating the random noise into words, he had since learned to converse face to face, particularly in quiet settings like his tutoring room.ĭisability enabled ability, or at least affinity. Kuhlman has been teaching immigrants to read and write English, to listen and speak.